Thank you to the sixty plus people who joined our Wellness Series zoom session today. We appreciate you and we appreciate your support, patience and engagement. We are starting a WhatsApp/Telegram Community to further drive our campaign for healthier living in our communities.
We want children in our communities to have the right role models from the home. We want to empower women, men and children.
We are on a mission to change the growing trends of chronic diseases amongst us and in our communities. Today’s maiden edition, although a success  provided many learning opportunities. Going forward, we will meet your needs differently, supporting you with information that is easy to use to transform your life. We will open our doors wider from now on. Welcoming Adults 18years and older, men and women alike.
Our Scope:
Education, Awareness, Diet, Advice, self management strategies/advice, bursting health myths, sleep, wellbeing, community.
Thanks again,
Health campaigners:
PT Kafayat
Dr Adiyat
Watch the zoom recording here: